
相信大家都可能聽過早前有位年僅17歲嘅NASA暑期實習生發現咗一顆名為TOI 1338 b嘅「少女色星球」🦄🦄依粒行星顏色好夢幻,吸引咗唔少人關注,網上亦廣泛流傳佢嘅「相」。噉其實依粒行星有咩咁特別呢?佢嘅外貌係咪真係咁少女、夢幻呢🧚🏻‍♀‍🧚🏻‍♀‍

好遺憾,其實網上流傳嘅「相」並非真係一張相📸📸因為依粒行星距離地球1300光年,而大細亦只係地球嘅6.9倍,以現時科技根本無法幫佢影相❌❌其中一張流傳嘅相,其實係透過Squids-among-stars生成出嚟🤖🤖佢係一個喺內華達大學(University of Nevada)修讀計算機科學與工程嘅學生創建嘅bot🧩🧩

張相其實喺TOI 1338 b被發現前嘅幾個月就已經生成咗出嚟,而NASA網頁入面TOI 1338 b嘅動畫亦只係透過電腦軟件摸擬氣體行星出嚟嘅效果💨💨所以粒行星到底係唔係少女粉紅色,實在要等科技更加成熟,試下探測佢嘅成分、大氣活動,先有機會模擬得更準確🧑🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

噉既然唔知佢靚唔靚,呢個行星有咩特別之處呢🔥🔥TOI 1338 b,由Wolf Cukier發現。佢透過分析TESS(Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite凌日系外行星巡天衛星)依個太空望遠鏡所傳送畀地球嘅數據🛰🛰留意到TOI 1338系統入面,唔單只有2粒恆星彼此兜圈🔄🔄仲有TOI 1338 b依粒行星圍住佢哋公轉🔃🔃

即係話,如果我哋住喺上面,就會好似星球大戰入面嘅天行者故鄉噉,每日睇到2個日落🌅🌅依種行星就叫做環聯星運轉行星(circumbinary planet)。

噉啫係咩呢?我哋身處嘅太陽系裏面,太陽係恆星🌞🌞而水星、火星、地球等八大行星就圍住太陽公轉。當2粒恆星圍住同一點(質心)轉,依個恆星系統就叫做聯星系統(binary star)。如果有行星圍住依對聯星轉🎠🎠粒行星就叫環聯星運轉行星。

已被確認嘅環聯星運轉行星得非常之少🤏🏻🤏🏻只有不足30粒。而TOI 1338b係第一個透過TESS發現嘅環聯星運轉行星🤩🤩即使未必係夢幻少女色,我哋都不得不佩服嗰位實習生對數據嘅觀察力呀🙇🏻‍♂‍🙇🏻‍♀‍亦都期待假以時日,科技更成熟之時,可以更進一步分析TOI 1338b上面嘅成分,睇下佢係咪真係夢幻少女色🤣🤣


The Most Beautiful Planet?

As everyone might have heard of through internet recently, there was a 17 years old intern in NASA who discovered the ‘TOI 1338 b’ exoplanet. The stunning appearance of the planet has attracted many people’s attention, 🦄🦄 and its photos are spread virally around the world. So, what is so special about this planet? Does it actually look that fascinating? 🧚🏻‍♀‍🧚🏻‍♀‍

Unfortunately, with the current technology, it is essentially impossible to take photos of this planet using cameras due to its distance from Earth. ❌❌ TOI 1338 b is 1300 light years away from us, and its size is only 6.9 times the size of Earth. That photo on internet was actually made by a computer science engineer from the University of Nevada via ‘squids-among-stars’, 🤖🤖 a bot that generates photos of distant planets. 🧩🧩

The photo was in fact generated three months prior to the exoplanet’s discovery. Moreover, the animation of the TOI 1338 b on NASA website was only the virtual effect from the gas-planet-modelling-software. 💨💨
Therefore, the physical appearance of the exoplanet is still yet to be known. We need to have a more advanced technology to explore on the characteristics of the planet, in order to obtain a more accurate virtual model of this TOI 1338 b exoplanet. 🧑🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

Now that we know the planet does not look like this, what is so special about it then? 🔥🔥
In fact, this so called TOI 1338 b exoplanet was discovered by Wolf Cukier, a teenage intern from the Scarsdale High School who was analysing the space telescope TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite). 🛰🛰 He noticed that not only is there 2 stars in the TOI 1338 system, but also the exoplanet TOI 1338 b, which orbits around the binary stars. 🔄🔃

cuhkastronomyThis means if we lived on the planet, it would look like where Luke Skywalker from Star Wars lives in, in which they experience sunset 2 a day. Such planet, 🌅🌅 we call it the circumbinary planet.

So, what is circumbinary planet? In the solar system, Sun is the star of the system, 🌞🌞 whereas Mercury, Mars, Earth, etc are the planets orbiting around the Sun. When 2 stars orbit around the same center of mass, this system is called the binary star. If a planet orbits around a binary star, 🎠🎠 it is called the circumbinary planet.

So far, there are less than 30 circumbinary planets discovered, 🤏🏻🤏🏻 and this is our first time using TESS to discover a new circumbinary planet. 🤩🤩 Despite of the unknown physical characteristics of TOI 1338 b planet, we should be impressed by such observation from Wolf Cukier. 🙇🏻‍♂‍🙇🏻‍♀‍ Hopefully in a foreseeable future, the technology would be advanced enough for us to have a more thorough analysis of TOI 1338 b. Let’s look forward to see how the planet actually looks like. 🤣🤣